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A Great Year of Community Fundraising


Due to ongoing works, we're sorry but we will not be open this Saturday 8th March.

In 2016 The Lemur Attractions Group set an all new company record!

The New Year, time to reflect on the year gone by. Here at the Lemur Attractions group we are proud to announce we set an all new company record within our Community Fundriasing efforts.


We are happy to say that during 2016 we helped more than 170 different charities both local to our attractions and nationally in their fundraising efforts. Our 'Community Ballot' scheme allows individuals to apply for complimentary tickets across all three of our attractions to be used as raffle prizes at their fundriasing events. Raffles are a great way of generating extra funds for charities and are popular features at events such as fundriasing evenings, quiz nights and school fetes.

We are looking forward to 2017, our Community Ballot will continue to be drawn once every quarter throughout the year and we are excited to be announcing new fundraising initiatives in the coming months.